Featured Home Exchanges

What is a home exchange holiday?

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Have a question about swapping homes? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section.
We love clean air and water! Tell us how you protect the environment while home and traveling. Click 80% off picture, select at least 5 options on the form, and we will send you a code to save 80% OFF your home exchange listing. It's our earth - let's live and travel green. (This opportunity is directly related to the newly elected anti-environment leader of the United States. We the people must protect our earth.)
About Green Theme Home Exchange
Exchange your house for a short or long period of time with someone else. Founded in 1989, we strive for an active home exchange community. You'll never want to travel any other way once you've experienced a home exchange holiday. Large number of homes in England (London), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, and Italy.
Newest home exchange offers just in! Click here
Green Pledge Results
See what people are doing to live and travel green. Click here